From Pierre Legrand’s Pink Flamingo Bar
On April 28th Obama fulfilled a campaign promise regarding bankrupting Coal Power plants. He accomplished this by having his EPA pull a permit that had already been issued for the Desert Rock Energy Facility. Well that’s not all the EPA is pulling retroactively! They also pulled the flattering report they themselves wrote regarding the very same facility.Take a look at these two screenshots of this report regarding that very same powerplant. Sounds like the EPA was all for it until Obama wasn’t and then poof the EPA made the report go away. Thank you Google Cache!
Obviously some serious money was lost since the permit was already issued but hey the Power Company probably wasn’t a big enough contributor to the various extortionists/national politicians we seem to have running all over the place. Change you can believe in!
I had to take screenshots because the original page no longer exists on the EPA website. You can search for Desert Rock on the EPA site and the 10th result you get is a link to the report, the search result still exists at this time. But it links to a page not found, hence the screenshots of this report: The Desert Rock Energy Facility: A Cleaner Coal Power Plant | Region 9: Air | US EPA If you click the link though it shows the page as not being found.
Well unfortunately for the EPA, Google Cache still had a copy. I took screenshots because gee you never know when stuff might just automagically disappear from Google Cache. Quiet I think I hear one of those Black Helicopters…speaking of if you haven’t seen Conspiracy Theory with Mel Gibson stop reading right now and go rent it!
Here is a local report on the terrible news that the EPA had gone back on its committment to issue a permit. How many dollars were pissed away here?
EPA pulls the plug on Desert Rock coal-fired power plant
By Marjorie Childress 4/28/09 1:11 AM
ALBUQUERQUE — In a dramatic move yesterday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) withdrew the air quality permit it issued last summer for the Desert Rock coal-fired power plant, which is slated to be built on the Navajo Nation in the Four Corners region just southwest of Farmington, New Mexico.
Oh and a few more pages turn up missing on the EPA server…like this report on the emissions. Poof gone, but not gone from Google. Here is a copy paste. Gee it is almost like the EPA and Obama don’t want you to know that they are pissing away perfectly good energy sources to placate the far loony left environmentalists.
Emissions Data
Comparison of Desert Rock to Existing Coal Plants
These charts compare anticipated emissions of nitrigen oxides (NOx) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) from the proposed Desert Rock facility with the same type of emissions from two existing coal-fired power plants in the vicinity- the Four Corners plant and the San Juan plant. The charts show that emissions will be significantly lower from the Desert Rock facility.
Comparison of NOx Emissions from Desert Rock Energy Facility and other Local Electric Power Generating Facilities Larger Chart
Comparison of SO2 Emissions from Desert Rock Energy Facility and other Local Electric Power Generating Facilities Larger Chart
Notes for NOx chart
Source: 2006 data as reported by EPA’s Clean Air Markets Database
Estimated annual average emissions after the NOx optimization period.Notes for SO2 chart
Source: 2006 data as reported by EPA’s Clean Air Markets Database
Estimated annual average emissionsIs this the change we were waiting for? Is this what all those moderates thought they were getting when they voted for Obama? Exactly how crooked is our government?