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Monday, September 21, 2009

Political Racism

It's interesting that President Obama is labeled an African-American. His sperm donor was African, but the mother and grandmother who raised him were white Americans. Yet his entire political persona only recognizes the sperm donor side and rejects the nurturing side.

Now the mass market story tellers say that those who oppose President Obama's policies are racist. Could it be that those who refuse to accept that the president is not "black" are the racists? Didn't the assignment of "black" to people of mixed racial backgrounds go out with Jim Crow?

Perhaps it is time that President Obama's white heritage get as much press time as his black heritage since he owes far more to the white heritage than the black. Then we can move beyond the nonsense of some pigmentation.

Opposition to President Obama has nothing to do with his genetic makeup as much as his political makeup.


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