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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Michigan - Just Say "What's The Difference?"

After 8 long, dreadful years as Governor of Michigan, Jennifer Granholm is stepping down and new bodies are trying to step up. Rasmussen Reports did a polling of 500 likely voters [which is small and early] but they came up with some interesting results... there was no clear winner in either the Democratic Party [incumbent] or Republican Party [challenger].
The numbers from Michigan at this early stage of the campaign appear to be largely about voter unhappiness over the continuing bad economy and the governing Democrats’ seeming inability to do much about it so far. No matter who the Democratic candidate is and which Republican he or she is matched against, the findings are virtually the same.
In almost all instances, the Democratic Party hypothetical candidate fared poorly against the Republican/Some Other/I Don't Know or Give a Rat's Ass hypothetical candidate.

What do you expect from a state where the Democratic Party can't even figure out how to make winners out of its cronies, much less the whole state.

1 comment:

Jack McHugh said...

"What do you expect from a state where the Democratic Party can't even figure out how to make winners out of its cronies, much less the whole state."


A few exceptions prove that rule - they seem pretty good at cooking up conspiracies to feed money to the SEIU and other government employee unions, whether through stealth unionization schemes or outright MEGA corporate welfare handouts to the SEIU.